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Uncorking Tradition: The Wine Plan's Sustainable Legacy


Blending Ethics, Terroir, and Community in Argentina's Heartland

In the vast vineyards of Mendoza, Argentina, where tradition runs as deep as the roots of the grapevines, a revolution is quietly unfolding. The Wine Plan is not just another winery; it's a testament to redefining tradition, rooted in family values and a commitment to sustainability.

Spread across 11 vineyards, The Wine Plan stands as a beacon of environmental responsibility and ethical practices. While the grapes thrive in the fertile soil of Mendoza, it's within one singular winery that the magic truly happens.

Image Courtesy: The Wine Plan Website

At the heart of The Wine Plan lies a philosophy built on three pillars: People, Planet, and Products. For them, sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a way of life. From cultivating organic practices to championing fair trade, every bottle produced echoes their dedication to these principles.

Leading the charge is Luigi Perocco, an Agronomist Engineer turned winemaker whose international expertise breathes life into each vintage. With meticulous attention to detail, Luigi harnesses the unique terroir of Mendoza's diverse altitudes, crafting wines that speak of the land and the hands that tend to it.

Among their prestigious lines, La Belle Marguerite stands tall, offering a selection of reserve wines that embody the essence of Mendoza's highest altitudes. From velvety Malbecs to crisp Semillons, each bottle is a testament to craftsmanship, earning ratings between 90 to 94 points.

For those seeking innovation, Eureka beckons with its co-fermented blends, marrying tradition with experimentation. With ratings ranging from 90 to 93 points, these wines offer a delightful journey for the palate.

But The Wine Plan isn't just about exclusivity; it's about accessibility. Their Marguerite line boasts a selection designed for everyday enjoyment, from classic Malbecs to refreshing Sauvignon Blancs, promising quality with every pour.

Image Source: The Wine Plan

Yet, The Wine Plan's reach extends beyond the vineyards of Mendoza. With the capacity for private labels, they seek partners who share their vision for a sustainable future, forging bonds that transcend business.

As they set their sights on new horizons, The Wine Plan seeks distributors who resonate with their ethos, particularly in the vibrant landscape of Chicago. With hopes pinned on the USA Trade Tasting event, they aim to open doors to their brands, fostering relationships that go beyond mere transactions.

For The Wine Plan, success isn't just measured in accolades; it's measured in the bonds forged with those who share their passion. As they navigate the intricate dance of wine and commerce, their journey is a testament to the power of tradition, innovation, and community.

To learn more about The Wine Plan and their commitment to sustainability, visit them at Table Number: 15. They are Exhibiting at the 2024 USA Trade Tasting in Chicago on 22nd-23rd May at Morgan MFG, Chicago, IL, United States Raise a glass to tradition, redefined.